Oral Surgery

18 08, 2015

Primary care head and neck cancer referral advice

By |August 18th, 2015|News, Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery|0 Comments

The National Cancer Control Programme has recently published advice on referral pathways for head and neck cancer. The original guidance document is available hereĀ and is copied below.

Any of the following features, when present in the mouth for more than three weeks without an obvious cause should get anĀ urgent specialist opinion:

mouth ulceration
white or red patches
pigmented […]

15 04, 2015

The effect of losing teeth – Irish Examiner

By |April 15th, 2015|Dental Implants, News, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics|0 Comments

Excellent article in the Irish examiner focusing on the effect of losing teeth. Terry Prone discusses her personal experience and Prof. Harris’ new book – “The Dental Amputee”.

Article available on the Irish Examiner website: www.irishexaminer.com/viewpoints/columnists/terry-prone/when-your-teeth-bite-the-dust-life-becomes-a-series-of-indignities-322303.html

12 04, 2015

New research on zygomatic implants published

By |April 12th, 2015|Dental Implants, News, Oral Surgery|0 Comments

In their latest publication, Michael Freedman, Michael Ring and Leo Stassen discuss the impact of maintaining bone around zygomatic implants. The article is published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and is available online ahead of print now.


31 03, 2015

Evening Echo publishes some questions and answers about dental implants

By |March 31st, 2015|Dental Implants, News, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics|0 Comments

In a recent interview with Prof. Harris, the Evening Echo has information on the effect of losing teeth and what dental implants can do for you. Please see the article below:

20 07, 2014

Wisdom Tooth Removal

By |July 20th, 2014|Oral Surgery|0 Comments

What are wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the last of your teeth to develop and erupt into your mouth. In some people they are missing or remain unerupted, in others they will grow normally and never cause problems. Often there is not enough room for them and they grow in the wrong position.
Why do I […]